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What Type of Tea Are You?

What Type of Tea Are You?

 I was told a story today, and the person said that people are like teabags. Some come wrapped better and even smell better, but sometimes the ones that you would never pick up off the shelf are the ones that are the best when put in hot water. You see, when a tea bag is placed in hot water, the genuine essence filters out. The longer the teabag sits in hot water, the stronger the taste will become, and the tea bag can no longer blend in and look like the rest.

All of that to say, just like you, we’re all presumably in some degree of "hot water." Whether it’s with your business, health, finances, employment, and more. I believe some people have  “hotter" water than others. Still, nevertheless, the true essence of who we are as people is starting to emerge. I wanted to say “emerge like never before," but I can't do that because that wouldn't be true. We are a nation built on trials and tribulations, and some people made our classroom history books because of the positive "essence" that they left behind. Then there are others...who made the history books for the opposite.

After hearing the Governor speak on Wednesday, and hearing the data around COVID-19, the things needed to "lower the curve," him requesting that all schools stay closed until May 4th (last day for my children is May 31st), it hit me, we are making history. We’re about to land in the updated version of our children's social studies books. One thing to remember though is that even after everything that happened, big or small, economic or other….WE ARE STILL HERE AND STILL STANDING.

I was raised by my great grandmother (Queen Anna for those who may not know) who was born in 1921 and had the opportunity to experience The Great Depression, Brown versus Board of Education, sit-ins, boycotts, Freedom Ride, voter registration rally, countless civil rights leaders assassinated, the stock market crash, September 11 and everything in between. I have to say even in my "hot water" no matter how hot it gets my destination to greatness on any level will not change. My course, strategy, and methods will be different than I initially thought, but the end result will still be the same. I refuse to believe that because I need to close my business doors that I need to fire all my staff, cancel orders, and close up shop. What it does mean is that I need to operate as lean as possible and become creative and innovative in ways to give my clients what they need.

As the leader of two businesses, and co-leader with my husband of my family, I operate with a tremendous weight on my shoulders. My weight might be different, but it's still substantial. Your weight is your weight, and it's still heavy, but it doesn't mean you can't handle the load. Do I extend my hand washing routine to a second round of the ABC song to make sure I’m doing my part to keep everyone around me safe? AB-solutely. But it also means I’m leading by example and acknowledging the fact that something is going on around us but not letting the world's fleeting need to stock up on toilet paper, scare me into thinking the world is coming to an end, and neither can you. We need to make sure that when it is all said and done, and the history books are printed that what you’re being recorded doing is something to benefit those connected to you and making a positive difference in which it’s felt in humanity.

As a business owner, managing a brick and mortar (that has had to close) created to empower and encourage women to find their fashionable selves through education style and fashion, an e-commerce site, as well as a full-service experiential boutique that offers a luxury fashion concierge that virtually styles clients and makes fashion accessible and fun again, AND I have four little humans that need (and deserve) me to morph into a homeschool teacher is unrealistic. I learned a long time ago that nothing great is accomplished alone and didn't come at a high cost. My team affords me the ability to be who I need to be for my brand, our clients, and the mission to empower women. Still, even more, they allow me to be where I’m needed the most, and that’s instilling everything I have into my four humans with any time that I have. Will I be making changes to be fiscally responsible and operating much "leaner?" Yes, but the mission of empowering women through fashion will not stop. Queen Anna House of Fashion and One Posh Closet brick the mortar locations will be closed MOMENTARILY. Still, we’ll be offering virtual facetime styling sessions and offering all products and services virtually and online.

When I think of my "WHY" as it relates to the creation of Queen Anna as well as Posh, I have to say that failure will never be an option. Failure to me is throwing in the towel, quitting, or walking away. To put it in perspective, my Queen lived 95 long years and experienced textbook-like history. Her life history and experiences remind me that I can stand steadfast and immovable and look COVID-19 straight in the eye and say, "I WAS CREATED FOR THIS." "YOU AREN'T THE FIRST, AND YOU WON'T BE THE LAST, TO TRY TO TAKE ME OUT AND THAT'S OK BECAUSE VICTORY IS IN MY BLOOD." "I WILL NEVER STOP AND I WILL NEVER QUIT!" I say that with such conviction because I know the part that I’m playing in the more enormous scope of things is not about me but about the people that my team and businesses serve.

I want to encourage anyone who thinks their hot water is too much to handle, you have to remember the same thing: You were created for this, it's not the first struggle. It won't be the last, YOU GOT THIS! Will it be easy, NOPE, but as history suggests, there’s an end, and when it’s all over, what will the history books say about you?

Now, after all that Shop Queen Anna's 25% off Social Shopping Sale, join us for our social distance shopping experience this weekend, our webinars and masterclasses….🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 JK... Kinda

No, but in all seriousness, make sure you are supporting small businesses because we need you just as much as you need the services that we provide. Do your part to keep our economy secure during this challenging time. Remember, you have a page in history, and you get the chance to create your narrative. Be remembered for doing something great, and let your teabag leave a positive lasting impression on the world and community in which you live.


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