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Style Tips: How to Dress Smart & Chic as the Seasons Change

Style Tips: How to Dress Smart & Chic as the Seasons Change

By this time in the season, I find it difficult to live in a cold-weather city. I’m at the point of being done with oversized coats, sweaters, scarves and boots and ready to pull out the sandals and shorts for the spring.

Even with that I still find myself, browsing all of the fantastic sales, trying to stock up for the next year, but still eyeing all of the new arrivals at the same time. Through the years I have learned how to pair current cold weather pieces with spring pieces for a fun and unique look that can be worn out on the town or in the office.

As we prep for spring, I want to share a few of my secrets on how to align your look with the current season all the while hinting at the upcoming warmer months. 

Follow these steps to look both seasonally appropriate and fashion forward.

1. Layers- The rule of thumb is to always dress in layers. Too hot? Remove your outer sweater. Too cold? Pop on a coat or scarf. My all-time favorite is a heavyweight sweater paired with a soft and silky dress. Wear it in the office or out on the town, either way, you will be stunningly appropriate.

2. Blazers- “The Rule of Three.” When getting dressed on a Friday and you're allowed to wear jeans, but you don’t want to "toe" the line of inappropriate - throw a structured blazer on over whatever you're planning to wear. You'll instantly be classified as a “smart chic” fashionista.

3. Tights- I remember as a child I hated wearing tights because I figured out early on that anytime I had to wear tights it was because I was going somewhere that I would have to sit still and be quiet for a long period of time. Now, I know that’s not the case. I like to wear tights to pull in style and professionalism when I want to wear shorts in January or add a little buffer to an "almost too short” mini dress. I do have to admit that even though I love tights now, I still don’t enforce them with my children. 

Shorts and Tights

Being able to mix the old with the new is the strategy that I implement in my closet but has come after years of practice. Blending your pieces as the seasons' change makes it more comfortable in the end to switch your wardrobe over for the next season (if that's what you do).

As spring embarks upon us and vacations start to arise make sure to subscribe to the blog and follow along for fun ways to mix up your everyday wear as well as critical things for your closet.

Remember you're a queen and continue to live royally!


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