A Year in Reflection

As a mother of four, I will occasionally stop in the middle of doing something and look up at one of my children in awe of their size, or height and get that emotional itch of "Oh my gosh, my baby has grown so much and is getting so big." Queen Anna is my fifth baby, and I feel the same way today.
As I sit in my store and write this blog, I look around me at something, I could never have imagined doing in my life, and by the grace of God, I have done. Not at all on my strength but all through Him who has blessed me with a loving and supportive husband, family and friends who have listened, and encouraged me in more ways than one.
In hindsight, the creation of Queen Anna occurred in somewhat of an out of body experience because I'm honestly not sure how I got to this point in my entrepreneurial life. I have to believe that I have been graced with an intense passion for fashion and philanthropy, and continuing a legacy steeped in history has been the fuel for my fire. Whenever my flame is getting low, I have images and memories of my Queen striving and grinding that keep me going.
Over the course of the last year, I have lived and learned a lot about myself as an entrepreneur, a wife, and a mother. I have learned that being balanced doesn't always mean things are going to be equal. I have learned that Kelly Clarkson was right, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. I have learned that the things that don't work out the way I planned for them to, actually turn out much better than the original plan when the dust settles.
I have learned that I'm NOT superwoman and I can't do it all by myself. I have learned it is ok to ask for help and accept it when offered. I have also permitted myself to say "no" unapologetically because I have come to understand saying "no" is a part of my self-care. Overextending is only felt on my end as the giver, it's never sensed by the receiver, and I refuse to expel my energy to the point of having nothing left to give to the people who deserve the most of me.
I spent the last year building Queen Anna the brand and finding the best way to introduce it so that everyone has a full understanding of what Queen Anna is and is not, and how the brand came to be. There is no time like the present to inform and clarify precisely who Queen Anna is and what makes us unique.
Queen Anna is a wife, a mother, daughter, sister, and friend. She is a woman who loves to be unique and different. She goes against the grain and does what others won't. She doesn't do "easy." She often takes the hard road to learn for herself and also pave the way for others.
Queen Anna is confident and knows who she is. She is knowledgeable about her shortcomings and loves herself just the same. She gives respect and also requires it in return. She is thoughtful, kind, and caring; often putting herself in other people's shoes to know how to assist others better.
Queen Anna never follows but always leads. She's a pioneer and has the heart to give and serve others. She's passionate and relentless regarding the things that matter the most. She's philanthropic and gives back with time and resources. She takes something that is good and strives to make it great; she takes the bad and uses it to make her better. She lives, learns and laughs.
Queen Anna is a mentality and lifestyle. Queen Anna House of Fashion is a brand with a fierce persona and an unwavering mindset of excellence that transcends into fashion and lifestyle and is in its infancy stages of something much more significant than presently seen.
So, to answer the question often asked: "Who is Queen Anna?" I AM QUEEN ANNA, and so is every other person who identifies themselves with the description of our royal brand and have "inherited the lifestyle." We welcome you to our "Royal Family."
As we continue to celebrate our anniversary with you (our Royal Family), I want to take a moment to say thank you for embarking on this journey with us. Cheers to lessons learned and the unchartered territory before us!